The Positives
There are many ways to train a dog and many theories about the best and most effective way to do it. Professional K9’s mission is to be diverse in implementing and teaching ways to train. We want to use various techniques tailored to the dog, the handler and the situation to achieve success.
We believe when searching for a trainer that you understand the methods being used, and of course agree with them.
Here are the most commons methods we use here at Profession K9:
Operant Condition: Based around the idea that consequences drive your dog’s behavior. If you control the consequences… you can then also control the behavior. In these scenarios you could add or remove something positive OR negative to increase OR decrease the frequency of a behavior.
Negative Reinforcement: A method that is in the simplest form, taking away something the will increase or maintain a certain behavior. You could take away something negative when your dog is doing something right OR take away something positive when your dog is doing something wrong.
Positive Reinforcement: Is a favorite method of ours and is widely accepted. This method of training is when you add something to your dog.. like praise, treats, affection or other rewards so it makes them want to repeat the action or behavior. Positive reinforcement is a great way to build and strengthen your relationship with your dog. In most situations positive reinforcement is our go-to method and can be paired with various other methods to strengthen the outcome and success.
Counter - Conditioning: This form of training is helpful when training with a dog that is working to overcome fear or negative behaviors. We use this method to change the way your dog associates with certain situations, stimuli or environments.
Because we have a diverse group of trainers our training is never cookie cutter. We are able to collaborate and adapt to lead you and your dog to success.